
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


15 June 2012

Water effects

"Laudato si', mi' Signore, per sor'aqua,
la quale è molto utile et humile et pretiosa et casta."

San Francesco d'Assisi (1182-1226)

"Study how water flows in a valley stream, smoothly and freely between the rocks. Also learn from holy books and wise people. Everything - even mountains, rivers, plants and trees - should be your teacher."

Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969)

Comments: 30

You see what Leonardo saw!

Aloha from Waikiki,
Comfort Spiral
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L'acqua, un bene prezioso per la nostra vita e la natura.

Un salutone Pietro e buon week-end!

L'acqua..cristallina, da bere,quella di un fiume..volteggiante, le tue foto sono fluttuanti. Un buon fine settimana Pietro.

You are a good student of your teacher Water and Nature.

Sylvia K
These are awesome captures, Pietro!! You are indeed a great student of your teachers! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!


The world is indeed our teacher. Beautiful!

I like the movement in these pictures. They make me feel happy. :)

sonia a. mascaro
Stunning photos, Pietro!
Love also the delicate yellow flowers.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend.

M. Reka
These are great images, Pietro!! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty with us!
Lots of love

Sono fantastiche le tue foto sull'acqua come anche l'inno di San Francesco d'Assisi!Immagini,una volta ho dovuto recitarlo davanti ad un gruppo d'italiani:)).
Un caro saluto e baci

Buona settimana nuova, un saluto da Torino, qui fa caldo e da te?;-)

Solo un grande come te, può regalarci questi miracoli, caro Pietro.
Devo farmi forza e staccare gli occhi da quell'acqua.

You have wonderfully captured details.

I like your improv very much. I think the Olympic rings have dived in for a competitive swim!

Blond Duck
I grew up by a creek. I miss it!

Photo Cache
the movement of the water is superbly captured.

Foto magnifiche Pietro!
Per fortuna il gran caldo ci ha solo sfiorato, buon giovedì.

Blond Duck
Have a great weekend!

Con sto caldo ci vorrebbe proprio un tuffo in queste fresche acque cristalline ... buon week-end Pietro!

Stunning water views from so many angles! I especially loved St. Francis's take on water and the earth. . .he's my hero.

Enjoy your weekend and the beauty around you, Pietro.

p.s. Your 'Olympics' header is perfect.

Buon fine settimana con un venticello gentile:-)

Boris Estebitan
Hola, feliz fin de semana, felicitaciones, tienes un gran blog, es genial dejar mi huella en un blog bueno como el tuyo. Te invito cordialmente a que entres a mi blog, y leas un poema mio titulado “Muy tarde como para tomar acción”, muchas gracias, es un poema sobre un amor que no pudo ser.

Ciao Pietro, scrivo qui per augurare anche a te una felice Estate.

Happy Summer!!!

Grazie :)

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sonia a. mascaro
Happy Summer, Pietro!
Gorgeous photo!

These photos are gorgeous.. and the quote is so apt. :)

sonia a. mascaro
Just stopping by to say hello and wishing you a nice vacations!

Ciao Pietro.Tornerai con i commenti? Un caro saluto.

Hi Pietro! It has been a long absence, but things have been a bit hard: father 95, mother almost 91 doing radiotherapy, wife broke right elbow and I’m consuming some much needed holidays to take care of all this...

How is everything?

As far as Blogtrotter Two is concerned, it seems nobody is interested in St. Kitts, so maybe I should try something else. Anyhow, enjoy and have a great week or better a vacation, if still available!!!

Hi Pietro! It’s time for you to come back... ;)

Blogtrotter Two is now in Dominica. Enjoy the rain ;-) and have a great week!