The City Hall of Turin was designed in 1663 by the architect Francesco Lanfranchi, and was the transformation of an existing medieval palace

The neogothic monument in front of the City Hall, erected in 1853 and representing Conte Amedeo VI di Savoia taking Gallipoli in 1366, is the work of Pelagio Palagi

Comments: 20
Thanks for these!
Un abbraccio!
Un caro saluto e baci
Hacía tiempo que no pasaba por aquí y ya echaba de menos este rincón hermoso de fotos impresionantes.
También te echo de menos en mi espacio.
Turín es precioso, estuve en una ocasión y me encantó.
Gracias por compartir este reportaje bellísimo.
Te de un besito y toda la felicidad del mundo. Suerte.
The City Hal, the neogothic monument, the windows, balconies and arcades are really magnific.
Thanks for sharing.
I hope you have a nice day.
Sono qui da una vita, ma questa città mi è cara, tu fai sognare con queste bellissime immagini.
Its important for me to remember just how old these structures are. . .thanks for sharing, my friend.
Un abbraccio!
Un cordiale saluto, buona serata.