
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


5 February 2012

Villa Sartirana (1715)

Comments: 12

Wonderful shot of the villa with snow all around.

Ciao Pietro,non conoscevo questa villa, fortuna che c'è viky:-) Un cordiale saluto.
Bella, penso che con la neve sia ancora più suggestiva.Grazie.Buon giobia...:-)

sonia a. mascaro
Stunning picture, Pietro!
Looks so cold...

I am glad that the comments are ok. Thank you!

Nicely done! Love the contrast. We've had so little snow this winter that it is nice to see the real thing.
thanks for sharing
happy weekend!

Bellissima questa villa Pietro e questo manto di neve candida le conferisce un aspetto decisamente affascinante... un saluto e buon week-end!

The Blonde Duck
I can finally leave a comment! Have a great weekend!

Un cordiale saluto alla persona più gentile del web:-)Buon fine settimana.

That stylish lady in the front sure puts that building in perspective!

Hi Pietro! It’s already deep into the New Year and into the crisis, but hope is the last thing to fade... We’ll survive!

Incredible winter... We are only at between +5º and +12º. Freezing... ;))

Blogtrotter Two is visiting a place you probably wouldn’t suspect... ;). Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!!

Photo Cache
so very cool to see this sight. my friend from rome is very excited to seeing the snow for the first time since she's moved to rome.

hope you're all having a grand time with the white stuff on the ground.

Ciao Pietro, ieri in chiesa c'eravamo solo noi vecchietti:-d incuranti del freddo, siamo presenti, senza paura.Un buon giorno

M. Reka
An amazing picture, Pietro!
Looks so so beautiful!

Take care