
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


17 August 2010


"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly"
Lauren Bacall (1924)

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country"
Anais Nin (1903-1977)

"The optimist pleasantly ponders how high his kite will fly; the pessimist woefully wonders how soon his kite will fall"
William Arthur Ward (1921–1994)

Comments: 38

Sylvia K
I love kites! And your photos are marvelous! I also love your quotes! Anais Nin is a favorite of mine and the quote by Lauren Bacall is so perfect! Enjoy your week, Pietro! Thanks for sharing the fun!


Bellissimi gli aquiloni Pietro, mi riportano alla mia infanzia quando insieme al mio papà e alle mie sorelle riuscimmo a farne volare in alto uno tutto colorato.

Un saluto Pietro e buon proseguimento di settimana!

even without a kite ill love the place. the growing grass land is really beautiful. i miss seeing places like this.

What fun. Little people in tall grass in a big field.
Your photos make me want to fly a kite again, after many years.

Mike's Travels
Fun fun!! I must get my kites out again!!

How delightful. Love the green fields.
Thank you for sharing Pietro.

nice space!
very good capture!

i remember my father,he always make me a good kite...its a free part of a life to fly high!

The Blonde Duck
Kites are so cute!

Photo Cache
brings back happy memories of childhood and flying kites in summertime.

Look at how much fun those kids are having! I used to enjoy flying kites as a kid. Wish I could do it again!

Sorry I haven't visited sooner. But many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

I must join this lovely blog today!
Grazi for finding are always welcome with Warm Aloha to Waikiki :)

Comfort Spiral

I must join this lovely blog today!
Grazi for finding are always welcome with Warm Aloha to Waikiki :)

Comfort Spiral

That was a very large place to fly kits. And it was green :)

Hi Pietro! Wonderful greens and great fun!!

Blogtrotter Two managed to get inside a cave and take pictures there; enjoy the mites and tites and have a great week!

sonia a. mascaro
Love so much these photos, Pietro!
What a fantastic green all around...and amazing the kites in the air.
Love also the quotes, principally the quote by Anais Nin.

Have a lovely day!

beautiful joyous images!!

Beautiful sight of a father and his children playing with kites. Those are moment that children will always remember with pleasure and a wonderful opportunity for the father to enjoy flying kites again. Lovely series of photos, Pietro!

Your photos lift my spirits. These are wonderful shots. Thanks for the quotes, too.

Kids and kites - a wonderful combination! You ahve some great mountain shots here! Thanks for visiting my VW's.

Ciao Pietro, foto belle, come sempre, gli aquiloni mi piacciono molto, ne volevo prendere uno per il mio nipotino, ma c'erano le onde troppo alte:-)
Un cordiale saluto da Torino.

Beautiful place... There's a place like that in Germany and Im missing it.


Ciao Pietro, buon fine settimana, in fondo questo clima, un pò piovigginoso di Torino mi piace:-) Spero però che si rassereni per gli amici che vanno in giro.
Un cordiale saluto.

Bellissimo prato verde...forse lì nascono le speranze...chissà ?
Buon fine settimana Pietro, sono ritornato a farti compagnia nella nostra magnifica città :-)

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Green green is my field; It is a lovely sight to see the children and grown ups enjoying flying a kite.
I like the third quote, it suits me!
Pietro enjoy a lovely weekend.
great quotes Pietro!
I love flying kites - especially in places like the one you photographed.

Flying a kite is great fun, your doing well, you kite flys real good.
The field looks good too.

great photos..and i love your quotes!!!
(and yes, that a VW in the pic :) )

Hi Pietro!
I'm really surprised!
because we do the same thing!
I had thought it's japanese!!

Oh this looks like fun! Wonderful photos.


Buongiorno Pietro... sono di nuovo qui a navigare in questo mare virtuale....

Un abbraccio e buon inizio settimana!

Buon inizio settimana Pietro, come vedi abbiamo la temperatura ideale per andare in giro, peccato che per i "turisti" come me non ci siano mezzi pubblici gratuiti per i tour:-)

I am tempted to fly a kite too. Such wonderful shots.



Aloha from Waikiki :)

Comfort Spiral

The Blonde Duck
I haven't flown a kite in so long!

Thank you for your visits, Pietro!

Grazie Pietro, ne ero al corrente, ma per come son fatta io dovrei fare da guida e non essere guidata:-) Torino la conosco abbastanza bene,però, in effetti vista con l'occhio del turista magari può essere divertente, ci farò un pensierino;-) Un cordiale buongiorno:-)

Awesome landscape. Wonderful place to fly kites.

The Blonde Duck
Happy Tuesday!