
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


29 May 2010

Garden beauties

Comments: 33

Sono bellissime queste immagini Pietro, se non erro dovrebbero essere delle ortensie... le ho in giardino, però i fiori sono ancora verdi, ma tra non molto si trasformeranno colorandosi...

Un abbraccio Pietro e buon week-end!

Magnifiche ortensie!!Ciao Pietro, ti auguro un buon fine settimana ed un caro saluto.

Hi Pietro! Wonderful macros!!

Blogtrotter Two has a sunset cruise for you! Enjoy the cocktails and the views and have a great weekend!!

Ciao Pietro,
Oh so wonderful "Ortanca Show":) The final shot was great to end up your post. Wishes for a nice weekend. Is it summer there as well? Here it's over 30's, crazy warm.


You know I love flowers and these are gorgeous. They look happy, yet shy.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again. Enjoy a gorgeous weekend!

Caro Pietro,
le tue ortensie sono belle fresche. Foto stupende come sempre. Le mie ortensie sono ancora in ritardo:))Te le faró vedere appena si vedranno bene i fiori.
Un grande abbraccio

Sylvia K
Ciao Pietro, how gorgeous these are! Absolutely breathtaking captures! I love them! Just the beauty I needed to brighten a gray, gloomy, cold day!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Ci vizi...con questi bellissimi colori e composizioni floreali, la città si illumina, grazie Pietro e buona giornata :-)

Very nice, Pietro. Hydrangea offer so much color and interest in a single blossom/bouquet. They are fine yet durable. Beautiful shots.

The hydrangeas are luscious and gorgeous colors. You did a nice job with the light on them.

soft delicate beauties!

Buona nuova settimana Pietro... un abbraccio!

Buon inizio settimana ed un caro saluto.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: You did a wonderful job in capturing all the phases of the blooming flower.

Louis la Vache
Indeed, these are beauties, Pietro!

Hi Pietro!
these flowers are familiar in Japan.we see blooming these flowers with flogs in rainy season.

Short Poems
Hi Pietro,I love flowers and these are so beautiful.Your blog is always fun to visit :)
Hugs Marinela

sonia a. mascaro
Love these photos, Pietro! What a gorgeous colors! You did a good work with the macros.

Have a happy and perfumed week!

ciao Pietro , buona giornata.

Wow Pietro how beautiful and vivid.
Love all.
Thank you for sharing.
Enjoy a great week.

Encore une fois des couleurs tendres magnifiques. De la douceur de la nature.

Et ces petites veines sur les pétales par transparence...du très beau travail photographique, Piétro, et un magnifique sujet.

ever beuatiful!

These are beauties, indeed. Beautiful flowers; beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them with u.

Paz (who likes the flowers in post below, too)

Photo Cache
My friend these are eye catchers and attention grabbers. You will not be able to be ignored.

Fab capture.

The Blonde Duck
I love all the pink flowers!

Mike's Travels
Superb Hydrangeas!

Ciao Pietro,
dopo la pioggia di oggi mi rinfresco con le tue foto splendenti:))
Baci e buon pomeriggio

The Blonde Duck
Burgers and pie never bother my tummy!
Hej Pietro..excellent macros..
i love your macros

ciao Pietro.

It is beautiful the way you took these photos starting from the distance and finishing with the close up photos, from the buds to the blossoms! Just fantastic photos!

Marina Filgueira
Que hermusura de Flores: Felicidades por este rincón de ensueño. Volveré! Chauuuuuu

I love how you let us travel to the inner core of the flower!

I know it sounds stupid, but still, I ask: What lens were you using? The violets in the post of June 10 are magnificent too!