
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


3 February 2019

Icy river

Originally published 10th January 2010

Comments: 39

Che bella la neve... e quanta ce n'è... ed anche il fiume si è ghiacciato...
Bellissime le tue immagini Pietro!

Un saluto e buona domenica!

Sylvia K
What gorgeous, ICY captures, Pietro! They are beautiful and make me shiver! But the beauty is worth the shivers! Che bella!


Pietro....queste immagini sono emozionanti, sarà perchè il bianco della neve a me piace.
la mamma si è ripresa da ieri va molto meglio.

sabato 16. ho la mia prima mostra fotografica collettiva, sul tema "i colori" organizzata dalla scuola che frequento, la f8 chieri,
sono state selezionate due foto su 8 che ne ho presntate.

un saluto e buona domenica ,anche se piovosa.

These are awesome pictures, Pietro!
Nature will have her way.

Don't get too close to that river right now, please.

Wonderful photographic series: the first image, so clean, it's my favorite!
Thanks for sharing!

You've had your share of winter! I like the way the cold has drawn the sensuous lines, made them tangible in a way that the warm weather only suggests them.

Wow, you Pietro braved the cold to take these photos of an icy river, thank you:) Icy days and nights are what I did not missed;)

By the way, let me assure you. That's for certain, our City Council does not monitor the historically important rich buildings. However the controlled demolition of old apartments and rebuild new 'pieces of art' instead are in progress. I think this can be considered as part of the renewal discipline of modern City planning. Because we want Ist'l also to flourish as a modern, multi-cultural, metropolitan city of opportunity besides our cultural and natural heritage:)
Appreciate your participation on my selected topics, thank you and hope your having a nice Sunday.

wow, lovely pictures! mostly white!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That is a neat little stream and the ice formations are very pretty.

Louis la Vache
That looks cold! Beautiful images, however - very nice to sit here in the warmth of Chez la Vache and see them. ;-)

Re your comment at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo, here are more shots of the Zeppelin above the Bay Area and here's a shot Mme la Vache got from the sunroof of the Vachemobile.
This is so cool! It looks as if there were a little critter walking along side the icy river too.

Wow! Icy, snowy, cold! Great shots!


Oh Pietro, it is just amazing scene! Your photos are excellent!

Splendid wintery shots!
I love snow and think these are beautiful.

Buon inizio settimana Pietro.... un abbraccio!

Buon inizio settimana..brrrrr, le tue bellissime foto mettono i brividi, il ruscelletto ghiacciato è un'attrazione fatale:-)
Un caro saluto

ciao Pietro, buon lunedi

Wow they look like glaciers. Amazing captures. Anna :)

Mike's Travels
Beautiful photos... we have ice here in London :)

The Blonde Duck

sonia a. mascaro
Stunning pictures, Pietro!
Looks very cold but beautiful.

Have a nice and warm week ahead.

Splendid photos with a great lighting!
Seems to me you too are having your share of snow. However where I live we have had none, just many rain.
Thanks for the tanslation on the sundial (between you and me, after seeing it I thought that hadn't I been lazy and I could have tried to guess it. After all portuguese comes from latin and there are some things in common in our languages).


FO - 2
I can see that it is cold in your part of the world as well.
Beautiful lines and patterns.
Love the first picture.
Beautiful! :)

Photo Cache
brrr, that's a lot of ice. i think i just caught a chill. fab captures, but i think i need a cuppa :)

have a great week.

Morning pietro!
we have totally different scenery in the city.
but I sometimes see the river when I go to the north of Japan.
we have similar scenery, too:)
I'm pleased :)
have a good day:)

The Blonde Duck
Brr is like facial expressions! Everyone knows a smile just like everyone knows what's super cold!

Ciao Pietro, oggi spruzzatina di neve, qui ci si riscalda ancora con i manicaretti della cognatina Elisa, per il camino mi tocca ritornare a casa sua (un paesello collinare).
Un caro saluto

What a beautiful series--each photo with a personality of its own. Love the footprints in the snow and the random ice 'breaks.'
Thanks for sharing, Petro!

The Blonde Duck
I'm glad you liked the animal pics!

Buona sera Pietro :-) bellissime immagini come sempre...brr che freddo!

ciao Pietro,buona giornata!

Giovanni Battista Tessitore
Buona giornata!

Wow ! Glorious snow shots.

brr cold

Wow how awesome!
Thank you for sharing.

Icy River s'est enveloppée de son manteau épais et blanc.
De magnifiques photos. Naturellement.

That must be freaking cold.

Both Mariposa and I have never seen snow in our lives :P

I love it when sun shines on snow like that. That's how winter should look! And it reminds me of Italian winter - it's always so sunny.