
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


6 August 2009

Sky Watch 7/8/2009

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind"
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not"
Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)

Happy Sky Watch!

Comments: 45

Ci si perde con questi paesaggi mozzafiato e si percepisce quanto siamo piccoli di fronte alla grandezza del creato.

Un abbraccio Pietro e buona giornata!

Oh, I love it when little clouds sit on the earth!
Interesting quotations to think about too.

I like these images very much. They are dreamy. I like the clouds, like Dina. They make me think heaven has come in for a landing. They work very well with the quotes.

Hi Pietro!
When did you take these pictures?
It looks cool!
I wanna deep breathe there!
it must soothe me:)

It looks like wonderfully refreshing to see such images pop up on my screen. I look forward to see such mountain scenes as these when the rains start falling and temperatures start cooling off here...
A beautiful post!!

I imagine these are the early morning's clouds, left from the night's rain. I hope the blue skies have returned to your part of the world!

I am sorry for having been around so little lately, just carving out time to my daily blog. I am not partecipating in SkyWatch because I feel embarrassed when I don't manage to return visits. Still, I enjoy returning to your skies!

With the clouds amidst the mountains the snaps are fantastic.

looks a lot like the view from my patio in the early morning.
lovely captures.
have a great weekend

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
Beautiful captures, and the majesty of these scenes matches very well the quotes.

Beautiful indeed!

I agree with Albert Einstein dear Pietro! And thank you for this calm, peaceful and beautiful photos!

Beautiful majestic mountains being caressed by the clouds!
Love both quotes.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

I just love sky watch pictures that is not allways sunny :-)

Nice weekend from Anne in Norway.

This pictures really speaks to me!
And I've always liked quotes :)

Have a great weekend!

Sylvia K
Marvelous captures, Pietro! And I love your quotes! Such a lovely, lovely place!

Have a great weekend!


J. Evan Kreider
I like the sense of depth. The trees in the foreground are a deep green (with the wind blowing the leaves at times revealing their silver undersides), and the mountains are increasingly gray as they recede into the distance. Wonderful depth.

sonia a. mascaro
Love those pictures with the clouds amidst the mountains and all the green on the bottom!

I like when you post quotes with the photos.

Have a nice weekend.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
A shrouded sky; fragments of clouds are snatched and tossed around fitting this rugged mountain side. ( The sky can not be always blue! I could go on with a rhyme but I better stop here!

I like the misty clouds that seem to come up from the hills. Nice scenery.

wow! wow! and another wow!

amazing mountainscape.

Lovely misty cloudy mountains. I bet they smell nice and fresh too.

That 2nd foto... where is that? It's beautiful...

There's something with clouds that I like. sigh....

I am of one mind with Einstein on this is not on some other things. Lovely sshots...I love mountaind and low flying clouds anyway.

Mike's Travels
Nice shots Pietro :)

Photo Cache
Splendid images! Happy weekend.

Hi Pietro!
Lovely pictures, though not typical summer... ;) Love the quotes!!

Blogtrotter is now showing that Reykjavik is not entirely grey... ;)). Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!

The Blonde Duck
I love the quotes you put with these pictures.

Buongiorno e buon fine settimana Pietro!

A beautiful view.
Great shot!

Two evocative photos, Pietro.

Light and Voices
Clapping more clapping because your photographs are excellent.
Joyce M

Hi Pietro, thanks for your comment. Yes, at the Biblical Zoo you do a lot of walking on boardwalks ABOVE the animals.

Looks so very similar to "my" Garda Lake mountains !

Mesmerizing scene. I can stare at it all the time. Love the quote.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: What a beautiful view of your mountains into the sky.

Very nice captured!

Allora dimmi Pietro hai trovato bel tempo o temporali ieri in montagna?...

Un abbraccio e buon inizio settimana!

Is it fog in the first photograph or could it be smoke from the warm earth? I copied the two quotes you gave, they are great (but would not go well around here in the Bible Belt of the South.)

Mi spiace che ieri non era in forma... mi auguro solo che sia stata una cosa passeggera e che oggi già sei ok e pronto per goderti la montagna ed i suoi spettacoli.
Si Pietro quello che ho postato è un video Youtube, forse devi scaricare Adobe Flash Player per poterlo vedere.

Un saluto!

Pietro appena puoi prova se riesci a vedere il video Youtube da me postato ho ricontrollato il codice perchè nemmeno io lo vedevo con Internet Explorer solo con Firefox.... misteri tecnologici... ma ora dovrebbe essere ok!!!

Un abbraccio!

About you question if the healing crucifix still is in the curch; yes, I do believe so as pilgrim are coming there the Midsummer. During this evening the legend tells the crucifix sweated its healing drops :)

ciao Pietro, sono stata assente dai blogs, perchè la mamma non è stata bene, adesso tutto è tornato alla normalità.
buona giornata

Beautiful view of mountains and those white morning clouds! Great photos, indeed!

I love the quotes. very serene photos! =)

Your images are beautiful and powerful. The quotes fitting and thought-provoking.