
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


5 January 2009

Glass Fountain

Glass fountain by the Greek artist Costas Varotsos (1955, Athens), placed in 1999 in the Martini Garden of the Piazza Benefica, in Turin.

Comments: 24

Once seen this fountain, I think we can't forget it! It's so creative. Does water slip from the top ? It's great. Today, in Paris, fountains would be totally frozen.
Have a good week, Pietro.

Art and Poetry
I agree it is very creative! but also very odd looking

Mike's Travels
Fantastically impressive but how does it stay up!??

Amazing, how something out of balance can be beautiful, the tension :-D
Pietro, this is an amazing sculpture!
I hope your new year is going well so far.
; )

That's incredible... I just could not help studying this fascinating fountain... it is really intriguing!
Very neat!!! It is odd how it stays at that angle! =)

The fountain is wonderful--extra nice. But I REALLY love the angle you shot for the older building that adds a different element--including color. Art as always.

That is a very unusual fountain! Love the sculpture.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. Have a great first week in 2009!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

This makes me think of rock ledges I have seen in the woods. I climb them and get the feeling I am standing in the air, very much the effect of looking at this fountain!

That is fantastic!
A very fine piece of urban art.

ohh great sculpure! like it!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That is an amazing sculpture. I don't think it would take the northern winters without damage.

ciao Pietro non sono andata in vacanza, ma solamente il pc era in tilt qui da me c'è tantissima neve e oggi ho dovuto fare la spalatrice e continua a nevicare

wow! amazing fountain. i only know the typical fountain but this is totally different.

Splendid sculpture! Very creative!

Very special !

It’s a beautiful place and lovely sunny day on that photo! The sculpture is so impressive and of really interesting architectural style.
Thank you, Pietro, for your always nice comments on my blog.

Hi Pietro!
Oh!!! it almost falls down!!!
it's very amazing!
Why does it fall?

Wow! This is very creative!


sonia a. mascaro
Wow! Just amazing sculpture!

sonia a. mascaro
Hi Pietro,
I am glad with your visiting and nice comment!
I have been with laziness to post... LOL!
With my "break" I have much time to visiting my preferred blogs, like your blog.
Have a nice weekend!

Hi Pietro! New Year, Old Troubles... No, I’m not talking about the frosty weather, just the office... Another hectic week! ;)
Wow! The sky is gorgeous and the statue amazing! Now I see it's the same sculptor of the Runner II in Athens!!
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, now with new posts on Delhi! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

ooh so cool!!

i've NEVER seen anything like that before. wow.