
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


25 October 2008

Sundial 2

On this sundial at Oulx (1127m, Valle di Susa, Piedmont) there is the inscription: "Nulla fluat cuius non meminisse velis".
We can read all sorts of inscriptions on sundials. Here are some:
"Carpe diem"
"Sine sole sileo"
"Aspiciendo senescis"
"Horas non numero nisi serenas"
"Le ciel est ma règle"
"Solis et umbrae concordia"
"Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat"

Comments: 27

mi presento sono Pierangela, sono anchio torinese anzi abito in collina, hai un blog stupendo,sarà perché amo la fotogrsfia e òa pittura. ciao

Hello Pietro !

Very nice photo and text...

The "old clock" is very beautiful !

This is a pretty sundial!

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. Have a great weekend!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Oh this is truly special. A Sundial. We don't have those here but I have seen pictures and have heard of them. This one is unique. Very interesting inscription.

Mike's Travels
Nice. Sundials are not very useful in England! LOL

Great shot! The composition is really great.

Hi Pietro! Sundials always amazed me... ;)
The picture of the Autumn mountains is awesome!
Blogtrotter just said goodbye to Mykonos 2007!! It shows the famous sunset scene at Little Venice, and the Pelican mascot of the island… ;)
Hope you enjoy, comment and have a great weekend!

Grazie della tua visita, e per i tuoi complimenti, la fotografia mi appassiona il fatto di fermare un attimo di tempo con un clik, il disegno? nasco come stilista di moda, e dopo anni devio sulla pittura sia ad olio che preferisco, ed acrilico, per parecchi anni lascio tutto, ora ho ripreso
passo sovente nel tuo blog perché hai dei post meravigliosi. posso inserirti nei miei link?? ciao

I'm enjoying these sundial photos. Very cool.

beautiful photo, so warm & inviting.
Pietro, please stop over at my blog when you get a chance. I have an award for you there.
; )

How surprising to see this beautiful sundial on what seems to be an otherwise normal looking balcony!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: That is a beautiful Sundial. You went to a lot of work to write down all the sayings. I've seen flat ones, but never one on a wall like this.

This is wonderful, Pietro. I like the way the bright sun creates shadows and makes it seem as though all things are on one plane alone. Gorgeous. Thanks.

Louis la Vache
"Louis" very much likes the sundials you find an post! Keep them coming!

Here is a sundial "Louis" et Mme la Vache saw. (Scroll down).

So lovely!
Un bel colpo ombra meridiana, posso sentire il calore.

that's a two-dimension sundial clock, right? quite unique.

I had to Google to find the meaning:

"May no hour flow which you do not wish to remember."

A very beautiful wish and a very beautiful image!

Hi pietro!
You have a lot of sundial in Italy!
I don't see them usually around my house.
Can we use it yet now?

this is a great shot I like the hard shadows on it...

Ho visitato con piacere il suo blog le sue opere sono davvero molto belle.

So interesting these sundials. I like the location of this one.

Ti ringrazio per i commenti, le tue fotografie parlano da sole,penso che la foto come un dipinto, quando le guardi devono darti un emozione, altrimenti passano insservati
cosi la penso io
ciao da pierangela

Grazie a lei per la visita e per il bel commento che ha lasciato...è per me un grande,grande piacere averlo ricevuto da lei.Le auguro una splendida giornata e a presto!

Marie Reed
I love your new addition to your blogs sundial colection:)

I have an award for you on my blog.


Louis la Vache
Pietro, "Louis" appreciates your frequent visits and comments.

We don’t have sundials but I have seen many of them on the photos. I like this one you posted and its design. Well framed and beautiful photo!