
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


10 December 2019

Related thoughts


First published 14 June 2009

Comments: 30

Un labirinto per arrivare alle stelle...

Buona domenica Pietro e speriamo che il tempo sia bello così ci regalerai delle nuovissime e bellissime immagini!

I like it! The title is perfect to describe the action going on.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy
Pietro: Very nice painting, as an engineer I like the lines and shapes. The colors are really neat.

Oh this image sums up me perfectly, Pietro!
That's what blogging technology gifted us: communicating thoughts:) And, that's why I am a part of this blogging community, so to be aware of different systems of thought:)

Buonasera Pietro, oggi dalle alture sono calate esaurimento.

This image is a wonderful set of stars reaching, reaching to connect as a star. Beautiful.

Reminds me of a Jackson Pollock painting but with less clutter. :)
Love the colors!

Buon inizio settimana Pietro, bella "Improvisations"!!

bellissima !!
buon inizio settimana Pietro

Its nice Pietro...

If these are communicating thoughts they are very geometrical ! Love the colors !

Marie Reed
I'm truly entraced by it Pietro! Did you paint this or where did you find it? Happy Monday!

This is beautiful work full of light. I love its transparent look and gentle colours. It makes me feel comfortable while looking at it. Your title goes great to the photo.

sonia a. mascaro
Beautiful painting, Pietro!
Very luminous!

I am glad you like the return of Leaves of Grass. You are always welcome to my "house".

i like it. reminds me of straws and the thoughts are fluids passing through..okay my mind is messed up! hehe

I like the colors and the title.
I love the subtle design of both the lines and what almost looks like their shadows. the different points of subtle color really ties everything together as well. You picked the perfect background color too.
Excellent work Pietro. You are a wonderful artist.

The Blonde Duck
That's so whimsical!

Pietro it's great and the colours chosen for this painting and the use of geometrical shapes make it quite psychedelic.
A very interesting piece of art.

ciao Pietro, buona giornata

nice! you made it out of art?

creative improvisation. I like it!


Unseen India Tours
Fantastic Modal !! This is really so well made....Great one..Unseen Rajasthan

sonia a. mascaro
I am glad with your double visiting to my blog!

Did you know that my Pink Tree this month (June) is not so full of flowers? I don't know why...

Have a nice day!

Colors are fantastic and you have chosen such an appropriate title for this piece!

Take care, my friend.

Hi Pietro! I truly like this one!!
And Gobbi... He came to the São Carlos in Lisbon for the first time in 1951 and kept coming here. Awesome!!

The Republic of Uzupis. Never heard? Blogtrotter has it for you… ;) Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Jane Hards Photography
I don't know why exactly but I really like this. Maybe the overall colour so relaxing that appeals.

I love the shades. Very soothing.

J'y vois des connexions, Pietro...Des connexions de l'infiniment petit, comme des electrons et leur noyaux...
Mais au lieu de créer quelque chose d'explosif, la couleur que tu as choisi m'évoque la douceur. Des connexions provoquées naturellement, et non provoquées par l'homme dans la confusion.

C'est amusant de lire ce que chacun y voit. Une suggestion et autant d'interprétations que de visiteurs. C'est la richesse de l'esprit humain.

Désolée Piétro de ne pas être aussi régulièrement sur les blogs. J'ai des préoccupations personnelles qui me tiennent éloignée à certains moments. Mais c'est une joie de revenir à chaque fois. Merci d'être toujours présent Piétro. C'est un plaisir et réconfortant d'avoir un "ami-blogueur" sur qui l'on peut compter.

A Casa Madeira
Oi Pietro, o nome me lembrou Kandinsky com suas improvisações.
Muito Belo.
Aproveito para te desejar um Bom Natal e uma Boa entrada de Ano.
Obrigada pela sua presença ao longo desses meses.