
Pietro Brosio Gallery

"The Universal Peace", 1976, oil on canvas 100x70cm.


28 August 2011


Small Chapel at Exilles (870m, Susa Valley)

Le chiese

Amo veder le chiese
nelle piazze e nelle vie delle città,
amo vedere le dolci chiesette
nei villaggi di campagna,
nei paesini sperduti di montagna,
amo veder le austere cattedrali,
le basiliche imponenti.
Il mondo senza chiese
sarebbe un mondo squallido e angosciante:
un mondo senza Dio, sconcertante.

Comments: 25

Sylvia K
Oh, what a lovely, little chapel and it does look as though it's been around for some time! Wonderful capture, as always, Pietro! Hope your weekend is going well! Have a wonderful day!


nice capture!

..bella chiesetta..dovunque vado devo cercare queste chiese-cappelle, a volte misteriose, che sanno di antico e di buono.Un caro saluto.

A sweet little chapel, my friend!

a survivor!

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral
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Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens
Hello Pietro, this little chapel looks like it has been around for a "few" years. It must have seen some changes, heard some happy and some sad whispers. It is a very beautiful picture and the poetry is nice too so my Italian is not as good as it should be. Thank you so much for your kind comments always lovely to hear from you. T.

Mike's Travels

sonia a. mascaro
So lovely Chapel, Pietro!

I hope you have a nice week ahead!

sonia a. mascaro
Ah! Love the poem!
My Italian is not good but I understood the meaning of the poem.
I have a translation tool named Babylon and it is very useful.

Un saluto e complimenti per i versi
Che bella la città con quest'aria un pò frizzante:-)

looks like it has survived through the bad times.

can be considered a fortress.

Bella capella direi romantica. Mi piacciono queste chiesette vecchie come anche il tuo pensiero.
Baci e buona giornata

So well framed. Lovely picture.

So much rustic beauty tucked away--what a story it could tell! Nicely done, my friend.

Photo Cache
this chapel has seen plenty thru the years and have lots of stories to tell if it can.

The Blonde Duck
So sweet!

Great shot of nice little chapel.

The Blonde Duck
Have a good weekend!

Versi che volano i tuoi..alla ricerca della meraviglia:-)
Buon fine settimana.
Ah dimenticavo: bellissima l'immagine:-)

it's a very small chapel!
I like imagining that what people think and pray there in those days!
have a wonderful weekend!

Short Poems
"A world without God, disconcerting"

An amazing image as always, Pietro!

Take care
Marinela x

Ciao Pietro, buon inizio settimana ed un saluto:-)

Una piccola cappella tra il verde, tanto fascino e mistero.

Un abbraccio Pietro e buon inizio settimana!

The humble simplicity of its building adds to the church's richness.

I love this church! Wonderful photo.